
thoughts from New England

My home canning experiment November 15, 2006

Filed under: canning,cooking,food,jam,stupid ideas — tim @ 3:54 am

My home canning experiment

Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

Yesterday I decided to revisit my canning because I had enough apples still left over to make one last batch of applesauce. I also wanted to attempt a new approach to my failed Pineapple Habenero Jam (which, as you may recall, ended up more like a glaze than a jam, but I wanted jam). I knew that it was taking quite a bit of energy to heat all that water on the electric stovetop, and it was a chilly morning so I thought….why not? Why not put the woodstove to my good use and kill two birds with one stone and use the woodstove to heat the water to can? Sounds good in theory, right?

Applesauce #3 and Unlucky Pineapple Habenero Jam Recipes also after the jump.



Applesauce, Canned November 2, 2006

Filed under: canning,cooking — tim @ 5:17 pm

Applesauce, Canned

Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

This week is the last chance to get apples from the local orchards so I snagged as many as I could from Riverview Farm and from Poverty Lane Orchards. The first batch I made on Monday night — those are the three jars on the right that are a little lighter. The four on the left are the second batch I made yesterday. Both batches were roughly the same recipe but I think I honed it better for the second.

Recipe after the jump.



Canning and Jamming October 23, 2006

Filed under: canning,eat & drink,food,jam,yum-o — tim @ 5:12 pm


Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

I finally got around to jamming and canning. Once I got all the gear I needed at Dan & Whit’s in Norwich, I was good to go. I washed everything and then sterilized it in the giant pot of water, then turned my attention to the jam. I told you all I was going to make Pineapple Habenero Jam, but you didn’t believe me!
The jam was fairly easy, and even though I didn’t follow all the directions exactly (I didn’t process everything in a blender, I diced it by hand), I think it’ll come out great. I didn’t know how many jars I’d be able to fill, but I thought it’d be about 7. Turns out I filled 9 easily — the other 2 jars I simply filled and refrigerated. The other 7 (that’s how many I sterilized and that’s how many can fit in the pot at once) were filled and then canned using the good ol’ water bath method. They sealed right up after 10 minutes and once they cooled I moved them into storage. They aren’t as “jam-like” as I’d like them to be, they’re rather gooey and more jelly-like, but that’s ok. They’ll make a great smear for chicken or pork, not to mention a great topper to mix with cream cheese! The ones we tried from the fridge today was great — I think the other sealed ones will solidify with time. I am very excited and I will be making more things to can very soon!

Speaking of things I made, the beer I made from the Mr. Beer kit is ready — and wow is it good. I am pretty impressed with it! Next time I will do the real deal, but this is a start in the right direction. It’s mostly front-heavy with its taste and lacking in a body; the flavor is crisp and bright, almost cidery (which is good).

There’s something wonderful about rediscovering these old traditions; some people take up knitting or crocheting, I do canning, preserving and gardening.