
thoughts from New England

Roomba Report #1 July 30, 2007

Filed under: flickr — tim @ 1:58 pm

Roomba Trapped

Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

Well, we’ve had the Roomba for a little under a week, and the preliminary verdict is in: I love it. H was impressed with the amount of stuff it picked up in the first 3 days alone! She also thinks I love it too much, saying it has replaced my daughter. Pfft, whatever! Now it’s way more fun to vacuum, because I don’t have to do it! Genius!

This one has a scheduler so we can schedule it for the middle of the night, when we’re out, etc. This has been great — the house gets clean every day and with a little one learning to eat, the Roomba is almost as good as a dog. It flows seamlessly from linoleum to carpet, and picks up large amounts of dirt every single time.

There are some downsides, but not major enough to make me send it back. The roomba gets trapped on various objects from time to time, and you have to make sure the room has no loose rugs/mats or cords/wires hanging down. Twice we’ve been out, having scheduled the Roomba to do its thing while we’re gone, and twice we’ve come home only to find it helplessly trapped up on a kitchen rug. So we just start it up again and let it finish. The fact that I have to make sure the floor is clear everyday is also a minor inconvenience, but in a way, I like it because it forces me to pick up things on a daily basis and prevents clutter.

Overall, it’s awesome. I recommend everyone get one. Actually, in the future everyone WILL have one! It doesn’t replace our stand-up model for now because it can’t get all the crevices and corners as well as a hose attachment can, and sometimes it just misses things. But all in all, it’s a great invention that really gives me a huge peace of mind. I Knowing that the floors are clean all the time? Awesome. I can’t wait to see what the future will be like.


Pround papi! April 20, 2007

Filed under: flickr — tim @ 6:55 pm

Pround papi!

Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

baby’s 1st game


Why i hate myspace April 7, 2007

Filed under: flickr — tim @ 2:50 pm

Why i hate myspace

Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

Do we need this? really?


0406072009.jpg April 6, 2007

Filed under: flickr — tim @ 8:11 pm


Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

I am @ a celtics game! woo!


I’m Crafty January 3, 2007

Filed under: arts and crafts,crafty,flickr — tim @ 11:56 am

Altoids Tin Bluetooth Headpiece Holder

Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

…I get around. This week has been spent going around the house, cleaning, picking up, organizing, throwing away, freecycling (oh yeah, gotta list some things), as well as playing with the Lil Pumpkin and playing with the Wii. In throwing things out, we said goodbye to the old 2006 calendars and hello to some nice new 2007 ones. I’ve been saving this Altoids tin for a while now, knowing that I’m “going to do something with it someday” and that day came on Monday. I spent about 30 minutes cutting up an old weather calendar and gluesticking on all sorts of little pictures and crops onto it.

I then used Mod Podge to give it a final gloss and to seal it all up. What is it for, you ask? It’s a carrying case for my phone headset. I wasn’t about to spend $20 on a little velvet bag when I could have a shatter-proof one custom made for free. I glued some foam on the inside, slapped a business card on the inside lid to identify it, and it was dried and ready overnight. Link to more photos.
I loved doing this, probably more than I should. Helina asked me how I could make a living doing decoupage, and I said, “well, I could just decoupage everything.” Which is true, really. I could, and I would love it. I’ll look into this as a good hobby and see if anything garners selling. Ha!

In the meantime, send me your Altoids tins! Seriously.


uv bowling club presents December 11, 2006

Filed under: flickr — tim @ 10:36 pm

uv bowling club presents

Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

Slowest bowling ever


A message to Kramer: November 21, 2006

Filed under: flickr — tim @ 2:54 pm

A message to Kramer:

Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

Look to the cookie!


The Communist Manifesto, animated November 15, 2006

Filed under: flickr — tim @ 5:17 am

Someone mashed up a whole bunch of old cartoons showing the reading of the Communist Manifesto. Awesome.

powered by performancing firefox


Flat tire! October 27, 2006

Filed under: flickr — tim @ 2:21 pm

Flat tire!

Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

Flat tires are no fun! not only was it flat, but the sidewalls blew so when i reinflated it, it looked like this!


Fall Perfection October 7, 2006

Filed under: flickr — tim @ 9:31 pm

sunny day in the UV

Originally uploaded by bakebakebake.

Today was a quintessential New England fall day. The leaves were bursting with color, the breeze was crisp, and leaf peepers were underfoot. We decided to go apple picking at Riverview Farm, the same place I got the blueberries a few weeks back. Those have frozen wonderfully and I remembered all the apples they had, so we decided to spend the afternoon outside, soaking it all in.

We found the apple orchard to be PACKED with people with cars bearing license plates of every origin — New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, I believe I even saw a Tennessee plate. Most people brought their kids and let them loose into the orchards. While LP fed and had her diaper changed by my loving and caring wife, I picked a pint of raspberries, as their season is almost over. We headed up the hill and into the orchard!

Inside, some apples had already passed their seasons, like the Honeycrisps and Ginger Golds, so I was a bit disappointed because I was really looking forward to those! We managed to find 2 Honeycrisps that looked good, but mostly stocked up on Empire, Hampshire, and Cortlands.